Our Viral video player in action

We are proud to support the largest number of devices in the market today. Our player has been continuously perfected by the best engineers in the business.
Instant Viral playback to engage & retain your viewers
No one likes buffering! Our modular player is designed to play videos instantly and reduces buffering. Delight your viewers with the most performant player in market.
faster to load
buffering time
Advertising in Viral player & native player SDKs
We know the challenges and the amount of work required to effectively monetize your video content across all platforms. Our iOS and Android Native SDKs extend our Viral Web Player capabilities to mobile apps, so you can benefit from single configuration and easy modifications across all players
Works with any
Our Advertising Solutions work with
all common advertising standards
supported by ad servers, like VAST, VPAID, IMA and VMAP
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Today’s earnings
Monetise your own way
Create the most compelling business models using our easy-to-use Monetisation engine dashboard. Manage your special offers and coupons from a single page
Protect your content with DRM
To protect content with the Digital Rights Management (DRM), each video is encrypted with media keys during the encoding stage. The digital license can then be authenticated to allow or disallow playback from the end users computer via the video player.
Analytics overview
Total followers
Engagement rate
Most recent media
Video analytics go Viral
Increase viewer engagement and retention through actionable data collected across the video consumption. Fix playback issues before they impact your viewers and optimize for the best experience, always.
VR and 360°
The Viral HMTL5 video player adaptive is the ideal solution for 360° and VR playback for a number of reasons. If you are developing a 360° app or platform, then you are probably already aware of the challenges involved in streaming immersive video due to the extra file size. This makes the quality of your adaption logic of paramount importance. The patented technology puts it a few steps ahead of its nearest competitors.
A global OTT with multi lingual & multi audio tracking
Enhance your users experience offering in-video multi lingual and multi audio tracks. Let users be the video directors and boost your video consumption.
Ready to use the best Viral OTT solution on the market?