Why Viral ?

The most comprehensive “OTT-As-A-Service” platform, a Saas end-to-end video streaming OTT platform that doesn’t break the bank.
Monetize your way
Set up subscriptions, rentals or one-time buys for access to your VOD and live streams.
All branded apps
Set up subscriptions, rentals or one-time buys for access to your VOD and live streams.
Best-in-class features
Set up subscriptions, rentals or one-time buys for access to your VOD and live streams.
Ready within days
Set up subscriptions, rentals or one-time buys for access to your VOD and live streams.
Video player matters
  • Live low latency streaming
  • Enable users to watch 4K high- definition content
  • Picture in picture view
  • VR and 360o
What our Clients say
“Now that you have a solid understanding of both the importance of good streaming platform and actual examples of one, it’s time to focus on generating more of your leads. Stream Viral has really become a game-changer for our business. We now make 30% more leads than we did back when we haven’t used it. Thank you, guys and keep doing what you’re doing!
D. Smith
Engage with the best
video experience
  • Server ad insertion
  • Multiple audio tracks
  • Multiple subtitles
  • Native player SKD’s
  • Overlay ad
  • DRM streaming
Boost your ROI with the best Viral player
Highest quality with the lowest bitrates ensures a clear return on your investment